Sunday, August 08, 2010

Yesterday, I wanted to post, but I guess I had to delay it as the laptop I was using last night was extreamely slow! It took me 45 mins to load the internet front page. 10 mins to go to my blog. Yupp. So I guess you would know how I felt just trying to go to a website. Sigh.

Anyway, enough of the PMO stuff. Yesterday was fun! Had a free shower in school. Hahaha. But it was quite exciting to see the torch as well as the children of the different teachers. >.< Mrs Tan's sons are so adorable! They were carrying the doll version of Merly and Lyo while taking picture with the life size merly and lyo mascots! Haha. So cute! Pity I didn't bring my camera to take oics. But I doubt I would have had the chance to take one.

Its finally the long weekend! But its a bit sad that this will be the only holiday I'll have until O's are over. Sigh. But, I must conquere the pile of hw!!!!!
I can do it!!! xD

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