Sunday, October 20, 2013

It has been 2.5 months since uni started and I have to admit, it as not been easy. But on the bright side it is now 4 more weeks till holiday and then exams and lastly my well deserved Dec holiday break! :D In these few months, life definitely has been surprising. Met new people, caught up with old friends, made new friends that I think will last for quite long, felt stressed after 8 long months, tried many new things and definitely studied like hell. This sem I have to say I've been damn reckless with trying new stuff. Haha. Like walking from UTown to Arts in the middle of the night, staying up till 3/4 am just to observe a planet, going to a bar to drink? Guess, I really did or am going to do things I myself would never thought I'd do 4/5 years ago. Haha. It definitely been a fun yet tiring journey.

Quite hard to believe that finals are almost here! About 5 weeks time and I'll be back in the hall sitting for papers. Before I know it, Christmas might come round along with new year and the whole bidding process will begin again. But I will be very glad that the worst is over. (I hope.) Though next sem I'll be chionging 4 core bio mods. Here comes 16 hours of lab a week. Okay, maybe the worst is not over. Hahaha. Back to the present, I am finaly 2/3 way through my WCT! Just submitted paper 2 today. 2 down one more paper to go. Almost there. This could be as bad as PW. Haha. Hopefully, I can come think of an interesting paper topic to get me a B+ or A-. Highly doubt it though, but if I believe in it, half my battle is won, right?

Next week is going to be another hectic week and it will fly by like any other week and I'l be even closer to finals. Then again, faster come faster go right? So singlish yet so true.

Let this week be a great one. :)