Tuesday, December 25, 2007
TODAY IS CHRISTMAS EVE!!!! Since i'm in a happiie mood, i shall write big!!! hahaha. I may not have enough time to wish you guys who are reading my blog now a merry christmas I'm gonna post twice today!!!! Hahahaha. Okay this is my sort of christmas present to melly!!!!
Heys! Don't be sad!!!! I know you won't have presents and all but when school reopens you will have a sort of big present from me!!!!! Hahahaha. So cheer up kays? Christmas is a time to be happiie!!!!! Hahahaha. This is part one of my christmas gift to u...haha
Heys! Don't be sad!!!! I know you won't have presents and all but when school reopens you will have a sort of big present from me!!!!! Hahahaha. So cheer up kays? Christmas is a time to be happiie!!!!! Hahahaha. This is part one of my christmas gift to u...haha
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Monday, December 03, 2007
Hello! Man it seriously has been a long time since I posted. Haha. I didn't touch my blog for like 1 whole month. I'm quite amazed actually. This post shall be all about my trip in Phuket, Thailand. Oh and I'm so sorry for letting my blog die and letting u guys see the same post for the past one month. Hahaha. I guess I have been slacking since mellied stopped persuading me on msn to post. Hahaha. Oh and be warned this post will be super long as I will be adding at least 40 pictures. All taken by moi. Let's proceed with the first day then, shall I?
I woke up at 5:30am today. Last night I made it a point to sleep at 10:30 or else I'll be stoning today. Hahaha. The taxi came at around 6 and my parents were rushing round the house like mad. So it was 6:25 when we finally left our house. The taxi was the cute little England taxi. Specially meant to have 5 people. It was so cool and come to think of it, I really regret not taking a picture of it. I guess I was too dazed to take a picture. We met up with my distant cousins' family and friends. So we checked in and had breakfast No. 1 in this coffee-bean look alike shop. They had internet access and I wanted to watch bleach but it was only later then did I find out that there were no speakers. =.=" What's the use then?, I thought. I let my sis use and she got scolded for playing club penguin. Haha.
After that, we boarded the plane. Since the plane wasn't like those big types, we had to take a bus there and my sister asked "So we're taking bus to thailand?" and my mum became sacarstic and said "yeah. we will be reaching there in 3 days time." Since there weren't any seats we had to stand so I told her "Ya Baby. We'll be standing for the whole trip!" and she gave me a =.=" look. Hahaha. It was 8:30 when we got unto the plane. I fell asleep almost immediately and my dad woke me up when it was time for breakfast. I had omelette with hashbrown as breakfast No.2!!! Hahaha. I tell you at the end of this trip I think I gained 5 kg. Hahaha. So we reached Phuket airport around 10. We met up with our tour guide and got on the bus. Sadly I had to sit with my irritating cousin (Tze An) almost the whole trip and he kept touching me. I was freaked out.

This was taken from the window on my right. I was sitting in the bus with Tze An hugging my left arm. I had to shake him a few times to make him let go of my hand. Hahaha.
This is our tour guide. Her name is JiJi. She is half chinese half thai I think. I wasn't really listening to what she was saying. It is like listening to your teacher babble. I wasn't the only one who wasn't listening.
Another example of someone who ain't interested in her talking. Haha. For your Information, he's my brother.
So we finally reached our first stop. It was a big shop selling all sorts of snacks and when I say all sorts, I really mean all sorts. One example below.
This box here are bamboo worms and I'm serious. Need to zoom in? No problemo!
One worm which I specially zoomed in. Incase you don't believe me. Hahaha. I tried one and you want to know what it tastes like? Try eating a very thin piece of cardboard and it's totally tasteless. Tze An's aunt was worst than me because the mouth of the worm got stuck to her tongue which is obviously painful. I wonder how did she manage to get it out in the end... Well, the other snacks were nice too. Especiallt their dried logan and koropok with pork floss. Pity I didn't take a picture. Was too engrossed with the worms. Hahaha.
Okay, after the gross food we headed to a jewellery shop. Well, at least this time I'm sitting in the centre.
Another one of my random takings. Hahaha. I really wanted to take from the window on the left but on that day I didn't know Tze An's brother(Yan) that well and he had this serious face on him which made him quite scary. Hahaha. I'm a chicken when it comes to talking with strangers or people I don't really know. So we eventually reached the shop and since I wasn't interested in jewelry, the kind guide brough us to the wonderful coffee shop when we all had free drinks!!! Hahaha. I took 2 cups. Hahaha.
This was where I was sitting after my brother broke a glass while playing. Yan said that he was very embarassed sitting with my family. Hahaha. Tze An went crazy after taking like 3 glasses of soft drinks and he's like Clarice who will go crazy just taking in sugar. I think they'll reck havoc. Hahaha.
This was the second bar where they make all the cocktails and alcoholic drinks I think. I just found the counter very nice.
A secret snapshot of my two cousins. Hahaha. The on in the white shirt is Yan and the one who's head is half gone is Tze An my irritating cousin in a serious mood. Hahaha.
It was around 9 plus when we finally reached the hotel. I was tired of course with all the walking around.

These are shots of the hotel from where I was sitting. The person in my 2nd picture is my cousin's Aunt and the three people in the last pic is my sister, Yan and his uncle,Han Xiang. (from left to right.) I changed place after Tze An farted at me. It was utterly disgusting I tell you. I had chocolate too. Melted of course, it was so hot. Sigh. But at night it gets very cold cause of the sea breeze you know in geog. Night the wind from the sea comes. That info.
It was 10 when we finally went to our rooms. It was quite nice actually and again, I forgot to take a pic of it. Sigh. Just that the bathroom was like the constantine one. The tiles were yellow. Very freaky. We explored the tv and it turned out we had Cartoon network!!! Haha. Our only source of entertainment and I brought 3 fruits basket books so it wasn't that bad.
My brother watching kids central. This is a super rare pic cause he doesn't usually allow me to take a pic of him. Hahaha.
Nothing interesting. We just shopped around. I can't really rmb. Oh I went to test the hotel's swimming pool and it was so cool cause there was this small slide. Hahaha. My sis so poor thing. She fell and her skin got sort of scraped off. Okay, I won't go into such detail. (King Kong is seriously pissing me off! She's complaining on how long I'm taking and now my sister is crying and seriously pissing me off...Oh great!) In the evening, we went to watch the sunset.

From this(up) .... to THIS!(UP) .... to THIS!(UP) Hahaha.
The view I saw:

I find it very pretty. That's why I took so many! Hahaha. Don't you think so???

The car park

Mom in action. Hahaha. Joking.
Phuket is also famous for having stray dogs with rabis. The one I took, may or may not have rabis...haha.

The next pic is a very rare one!!!! I still couldn't believe he actually agreed to do it!!! Hahaha. t
The irritating cousin of mine!!!
Okay! Suspense over. After that, we headed on for dinner!!! We sat outside and it was very cool. There were like 4 dogs there though. And our parents warned us not to touch it but they themselves were touching and feeding it! What the heck lah!!! Anyway, here are the pics I took of the restautrant (promtep cape).

I woke up quite early today because we were going to phi phi island. We tokk the 8:30 ferry and the ride there was very nice! I was sitting at the side and my legs were dangling over the edge. Obviously there was a bar or else I would have fallen over. Since I didn't want to lose my phone, I left it in the hotel so I didn't take any pictures. I t was very windy and most of the time on the ferry, I was staring out into the sea watching the waves crash and suddenly i missed sailing. Hahaha. It would be very exciting if I could sail there the wind was so much stronger and water definately much, much, much cleaner than Singapore's one. It was very clear too!!!!
When we reached the island, we transferred to another smaller boat where it brought us closer to shore and transferred into an even smaller boat where we went to a small aquarium where the fishes can come and go as they please. Its sort of like an underground aquarium. First we had to enter this room where this guy will lower the air pressure before we enter and my ears were blocked. I really hate that kind of feeling. We fed the fish bread and I touched some of them, It was a yucky feeling. Some had hard bodies while some had soft. Later we proceeded to go snorkling and it sucked! It was weird breathing through a tube and It was quite hard to see. I wasn't wearing a life jacket so I had to hold on to this ring and Tze An was panicking and holding on to me until I nearly drowned. He said he had this phobia of not being able to reach or see the ground freaks him out. I wonder if there really is such a phobia. Hahaha.
Soon, we headed for lunch!!! The food was all prepared for us and all we had to do was dig in!!! Haha. I didn't noe at first but the food just keeps getting refilled! So in total we had like 3 plates of chicken drumsticks. Hahaha. After lunch, we went to the beach and swam! The water was quite clear and deep too!!! My brother and I played wrestling in the water and I couldn't lift him up while he could. Amazing I tell you. It was time to go back to the hotel then. We rushed on board the ship and it was only 10 mins later did my mum find out that we left a bag there. Who got blamed? Me of course.
Nothing could get better.... I spent most of my time sitting and thinking if it really was my fault and it was only after my dad comforted me did I leave that spot. Forget that then, I went to ....SUNTAN!!!! haha. I was with my cousins at the bow there lying down. And I was trying to fall asleep when Tze An came and rubbed ice water unto my arm and I woke up. It wasn't enough though, he just had to come and use a banana peel and tickle my leg! I was seriously gonna shout at him but I was too sleepy!!! Hahaha. It was only after that did I finally fall asleep. When I woke up, I got sun burned!!!!!!!!! Hahaha. I was expecting it. Hahaha. So eventually we reached home and I was so poopy tired that I fell asleep almost instantly.
We went go-karting today. We went for 20 mins. It was quite short still though. At first, my brother and Yan and Tze An was ahead of me but just when I was about to catch up with Tze An, he suddenly swerved and went up the grass. I was laughing I tell you. So that was how I became 3rd. Later, Andre had to stop for wadeva reason and so I over took him and became 2nd. There was no way I could beat Yan! He was turning so fast I couldn't catch up. So the final positioning were:
1st: Yan
3rd: bro!
Hahaha. After that we headed on to lunch and played mini golf. It was a dino park so it was quite interesting. My sis was so poor thing. She wanted the golf ball to go up hill so she hit super hard and it ended up in the water!!! Hahaha. I was laughing super hard! Then, we went on to another beach.

Later we had dinner at this place called the three spices and that was after we shopped. It had this band and we were like the only table requesting for songs. Hahaha. And clapping too. I felt very awkward. The food was not bad. A lot of varieties. So fast we were going home the next day.
3 spices
today was the last day of our trip. I felt sad that we were going home so soon!!! We woke up quite late and had buffet breakfast. I noticed I forgot to mention about breakfast! Hahaha. We had the same buffet everyday. So we went shopping after that and I got myself a new swim wear. Its ligh blue with flowers. And before I knew it, it was time to head for the airport. We got onto the van that was going to bring us there and I took some farewell pics:
I have no idea what this sign means. As you can see, its in thai.

The van that we were in. Dad and sis sleeping!
Wonder what traffic is like there?

And we finally arrive at the airport.

Eventually, we reached Singapore at 10pm! I was so happy to be back! Well that's my end of my post! Wow! Its seriously the longest I've ever done. I've been on it for dunno how many donkey years... and King kong is pissing me off. Well, I'll post soon again!!!
I woke up at 5:30am today. Last night I made it a point to sleep at 10:30 or else I'll be stoning today. Hahaha. The taxi came at around 6 and my parents were rushing round the house like mad. So it was 6:25 when we finally left our house. The taxi was the cute little England taxi. Specially meant to have 5 people. It was so cool and come to think of it, I really regret not taking a picture of it. I guess I was too dazed to take a picture. We met up with my distant cousins' family and friends. So we checked in and had breakfast No. 1 in this coffee-bean look alike shop. They had internet access and I wanted to watch bleach but it was only later then did I find out that there were no speakers. =.=" What's the use then?, I thought. I let my sis use and she got scolded for playing club penguin. Haha.
After that, we boarded the plane. Since the plane wasn't like those big types, we had to take a bus there and my sister asked "So we're taking bus to thailand?" and my mum became sacarstic and said "yeah. we will be reaching there in 3 days time." Since there weren't any seats we had to stand so I told her "Ya Baby. We'll be standing for the whole trip!" and she gave me a =.=" look. Hahaha. It was 8:30 when we got unto the plane. I fell asleep almost immediately and my dad woke me up when it was time for breakfast. I had omelette with hashbrown as breakfast No.2!!! Hahaha. I tell you at the end of this trip I think I gained 5 kg. Hahaha. So we reached Phuket airport around 10. We met up with our tour guide and got on the bus. Sadly I had to sit with my irritating cousin (Tze An) almost the whole trip and he kept touching me. I was freaked out.

This was taken from the window on my right. I was sitting in the bus with Tze An hugging my left arm. I had to shake him a few times to make him let go of my hand. Hahaha.

So we finally reached our first stop. It was a big shop selling all sorts of snacks and when I say all sorts, I really mean all sorts. One example below.

Okay, after the gross food we headed to a jewellery shop. Well, at least this time I'm sitting in the centre.

It was around 9 plus when we finally reached the hotel. I was tired of course with all the walking around.

These are shots of the hotel from where I was sitting. The person in my 2nd picture is my cousin's Aunt and the three people in the last pic is my sister, Yan and his uncle,Han Xiang. (from left to right.) I changed place after Tze An farted at me. It was utterly disgusting I tell you. I had chocolate too. Melted of course, it was so hot. Sigh. But at night it gets very cold cause of the sea breeze you know in geog. Night the wind from the sea comes. That info.
It was 10 when we finally went to our rooms. It was quite nice actually and again, I forgot to take a pic of it. Sigh. Just that the bathroom was like the constantine one. The tiles were yellow. Very freaky. We explored the tv and it turned out we had Cartoon network!!! Haha. Our only source of entertainment and I brought 3 fruits basket books so it wasn't that bad.

Nothing interesting. We just shopped around. I can't really rmb. Oh I went to test the hotel's swimming pool and it was so cool cause there was this small slide. Hahaha. My sis so poor thing. She fell and her skin got sort of scraped off. Okay, I won't go into such detail. (King Kong is seriously pissing me off! She's complaining on how long I'm taking and now my sister is crying and seriously pissing me off...Oh great!) In the evening, we went to watch the sunset.

From this(up) .... to THIS!(UP) .... to THIS!(UP) Hahaha.
The view I saw:

I find it very pretty. That's why I took so many! Hahaha. Don't you think so???

The car park

Mom in action. Hahaha. Joking.
Phuket is also famous for having stray dogs with rabis. The one I took, may or may not have rabis...haha.

The next pic is a very rare one!!!! I still couldn't believe he actually agreed to do it!!! Hahaha. t

Okay! Suspense over. After that, we headed on for dinner!!! We sat outside and it was very cool. There were like 4 dogs there though. And our parents warned us not to touch it but they themselves were touching and feeding it! What the heck lah!!! Anyway, here are the pics I took of the restautrant (promtep cape).

I woke up quite early today because we were going to phi phi island. We tokk the 8:30 ferry and the ride there was very nice! I was sitting at the side and my legs were dangling over the edge. Obviously there was a bar or else I would have fallen over. Since I didn't want to lose my phone, I left it in the hotel so I didn't take any pictures. I t was very windy and most of the time on the ferry, I was staring out into the sea watching the waves crash and suddenly i missed sailing. Hahaha. It would be very exciting if I could sail there the wind was so much stronger and water definately much, much, much cleaner than Singapore's one. It was very clear too!!!!
When we reached the island, we transferred to another smaller boat where it brought us closer to shore and transferred into an even smaller boat where we went to a small aquarium where the fishes can come and go as they please. Its sort of like an underground aquarium. First we had to enter this room where this guy will lower the air pressure before we enter and my ears were blocked. I really hate that kind of feeling. We fed the fish bread and I touched some of them, It was a yucky feeling. Some had hard bodies while some had soft. Later we proceeded to go snorkling and it sucked! It was weird breathing through a tube and It was quite hard to see. I wasn't wearing a life jacket so I had to hold on to this ring and Tze An was panicking and holding on to me until I nearly drowned. He said he had this phobia of not being able to reach or see the ground freaks him out. I wonder if there really is such a phobia. Hahaha.
Soon, we headed for lunch!!! The food was all prepared for us and all we had to do was dig in!!! Haha. I didn't noe at first but the food just keeps getting refilled! So in total we had like 3 plates of chicken drumsticks. Hahaha. After lunch, we went to the beach and swam! The water was quite clear and deep too!!! My brother and I played wrestling in the water and I couldn't lift him up while he could. Amazing I tell you. It was time to go back to the hotel then. We rushed on board the ship and it was only 10 mins later did my mum find out that we left a bag there. Who got blamed? Me of course.
Nothing could get better.... I spent most of my time sitting and thinking if it really was my fault and it was only after my dad comforted me did I leave that spot. Forget that then, I went to ....SUNTAN!!!! haha. I was with my cousins at the bow there lying down. And I was trying to fall asleep when Tze An came and rubbed ice water unto my arm and I woke up. It wasn't enough though, he just had to come and use a banana peel and tickle my leg! I was seriously gonna shout at him but I was too sleepy!!! Hahaha. It was only after that did I finally fall asleep. When I woke up, I got sun burned!!!!!!!!! Hahaha. I was expecting it. Hahaha. So eventually we reached home and I was so poopy tired that I fell asleep almost instantly.
We went go-karting today. We went for 20 mins. It was quite short still though. At first, my brother and Yan and Tze An was ahead of me but just when I was about to catch up with Tze An, he suddenly swerved and went up the grass. I was laughing I tell you. So that was how I became 3rd. Later, Andre had to stop for wadeva reason and so I over took him and became 2nd. There was no way I could beat Yan! He was turning so fast I couldn't catch up. So the final positioning were:
1st: Yan
3rd: bro!
Hahaha. After that we headed on to lunch and played mini golf. It was a dino park so it was quite interesting. My sis was so poor thing. She wanted the golf ball to go up hill so she hit super hard and it ended up in the water!!! Hahaha. I was laughing super hard! Then, we went on to another beach.

Later we had dinner at this place called the three spices and that was after we shopped. It had this band and we were like the only table requesting for songs. Hahaha. And clapping too. I felt very awkward. The food was not bad. A lot of varieties. So fast we were going home the next day.

today was the last day of our trip. I felt sad that we were going home so soon!!! We woke up quite late and had buffet breakfast. I noticed I forgot to mention about breakfast! Hahaha. We had the same buffet everyday. So we went shopping after that and I got myself a new swim wear. Its ligh blue with flowers. And before I knew it, it was time to head for the airport. We got onto the van that was going to bring us there and I took some farewell pics:

The van that we were in. Dad and sis sleeping!
Wonder what traffic is like there?

And we finally arrive at the airport.

Eventually, we reached Singapore at 10pm! I was so happy to be back! Well that's my end of my post! Wow! Its seriously the longest I've ever done. I've been on it for dunno how many donkey years... and King kong is pissing me off. Well, I'll post soon again!!!
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